Cearl the Magus

Male, Age 21, Norman


Int 4 (Keen)
Per 4 (Discerning)
Str 0
Sta 0
Pre 3 (Commanding)
Com 0
Dex 0
Qui 0


+2 Follower of Bjornaer (Lion, battle-worthy) -3 Deleterious Circumstances (Wild Animals, uncommon, total)
+2 Subtle Magic -2 Weak Magic (Ignem)
+2 Quiet Magic -4 Magical Deficiency (Ignem)
+1 Gentle Gift -1 Incompatible Arts (perdo animal)
+3 Affinity (Mentem)

Abilities (15 + Age(21) = 36):

2 Hermes Lore (Personalities)
4 Magic Theory (Lab work)
4 Parma Magica (Ignem)
2 Scribe Latin (Read)
4 Speak Latin (Hermetic Vocabulary)
4 Speak French
1 Scribe Arabic(Read)
1 Philosophae (Natural)
1 Will Over Form (Regain Normal Shape)
5 Affinity (Mentem) (Muto)
1 Penetration (Mentem)
1 Charm (Befriending)
3 Concentration (Spell-casting)
1 Folk Ken (Magi)
1 Leadership (House of Hermes)
1 Brawl (Lion-form)

Magical Arts:

10 Muto
8 Corpus
2 Creo
1 Rego
10 Mentem



Personality Traits:

Brave +3
Lion +1
Curious +1
Proud +1

Spell Book:

20 Muto Vim Wizard's Communion pg. 157
20 Muto Corpus Form of the Avenging Beast
10 Rego Vim Maintaining the Demanding Spell pg. 160
10 Muto Imaginem Aura of Ennobled Presence pg. 141
15 Rego Corpus Lifting the Dangling Puppet pg. 128
15 Intellego Mentem Perception of the Conflicting Motives pg. 145
20 Muto Mentem Emotion of Reversed Intentions pg. 146
10 Perdo Mentem Loss of But a Moment's Memory pg. 147
25 Muto Mentem Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived pg. 146
3 Perdo Imaginem
Invisibility of the Standing Wizard pg. 142