Osred the Seer
Male, Age 29, Saxon


Int 3 (Well Educated)
Per 3 (Spooky)
Str -3 (Weak)
Sta 0
Pre 1 (Commanding)
Com 3 (Eloquent)
Dex -2 (Uncoordinated)
Qui -2 (Slow)


+1 Educated
+2 Visions
-3 Noncombatant

Abilities (2*Age(29) = 58):

4 Speak English (Academic)
3 Speak Latin (Academic)
2 Scribe Latin (Copy)
1 Intrigue (Plotting)
1 Carouse (Power Drinking)
6 Visions (Guided) +1 xp
6 Artes Liberales (Astronomy)
2 Folk Ken (Students)
2 Legend Lore (History)
1 Northumbria Lore (history) +1xp
1 Concentration (Reading)
2 Lectio (Teaching)
2 Disputatio (Teaching)



Personality Traits:

Mysterious +1
Academic +2


A frail, weak man, who commands attention once he does speak.


Osred is a very frail man, with incredible intelligence and perception.  He taught in classic Academies for a while, until his gift of Visions became too powerful and absorbed too much of his life.  He took refuge in a Covenant which helped him control his Visions.  There he taught interested Magi in various skills relating to the Artes Liberales.

He joins the newly formed Spring covenant to attract more pupils of his own, and perhaps play a role in the formation of the educational institution, maybe even harnessing his abilities of Vision to assist the new Covenant.