Walter the Diplomat
Male, Age 31, Norman


Int 2 (Witty)
Per 2 (Detail Oriented)
Str -2 (Weak)
Sta -1 (Fat)
Pre 2 (Trustable)
Com 3 (Eloquent)
Dex -1 (Untrained)
Qui -2 (Slow)


+1 Educated
+1 Empathy
+1 Social Contacts (Traders)
-3 Noncombatant

Abilities (2*Age(31) = 62):

4 Speak French (Northumbria)
1 Carouse (Drinking games)
3 Speak Latin ( Expansive Vocabulary)
1 Scribe Latin (Copy)
2 Speak English (Northumbrian dialect)
1 Scribe French (Copy)
5 Etiquette (Northumbrian)
5 Bargain (Conflict Resolution)
5 Empathy (Northumbrian locals)
3 Northumbria Lore (politics) +2xp
2 Civl & Canon Law (Northumbria)
1 Charm (first impressions)
1 Intrigue (Politics)
1 Folk Ken (Northumbria locals)
1 Guile (Lying to authority)



Personality Traits:

Friendly +2
Subtle +1


A tall, very handsome large man.  A big face, friendly attitude.


Walter is familiar with the Northumbria area, and is considered a valuable asset the the new Covenant desiring to settle there.  His diplomatic skills rely more on his empathetic understanding of people, especially the locals, instead of force or cunning.  He has a wide variety of Social Contacts in the Trading industry, along with a knowledge of local area lore and civil and canon law.

At first glance this character might appear an ill-prepared Diplomat.  The key is the empathy skill.  The skill level is added to roles on Presence or Communication.  Also, and additional 1/3 (rounding up) is added to Folk Ken.  So here are what his scores look like for some skills:

skill + bonus + stat

Etiquette 5(6) + 5(6) + 3 = 13/15
Bargain 5(6) + 5(6) + 3 = 13/15
Charm 1(2) + 5(6) + 2 = 8/10
Folk Ken 1(2) + 5(6) + 2 + 2 = 10/12
Guile 1(2) + 5(6) + 3 = 9/11
Leadership 1(2) + 5(6) + 2 = 8/10

So, on most skills he will for sure hit Ease Factor 10 before the dice is even rolled.  He should make a great diplomat.