Int | 4 |
Per | 2 |
Str | -1 |
Sta | 0 |
Pre | 0 |
Com | 1 |
Dex | -2 |
Qik | 1 |
Virtues: | Flaws: |
Animal Companion (dog, Nubb) (+1) | Susceptibility to Divine Power (-4) |
Visions (+2) | Noncombatant (-2) |
Gentle Gift (+1) | Cyclic Magic (-3 on rolls during waning moon) (-2) |
Quiet Magic (+2) |
Lame (-2) |
Extra Arts (taken twice) (+2) | |
Great Intelligence (+2) | |
Total +10 | Total: -10 |
Ability |
Level |
XP |
Etiquette (Order of Hermes) | 1 |
Magic Theory |
4 |
1 |
Organization Lore (Order of Hermes) | 1 |
Parma Magica (Imaginem) | 2 |
1 |
Scribe Latin | 3 | |
Speak Latin | 5 | |
Speak Own Language Anglo Saxon |
4 |
Etiquette (Church) | 2 |
Animal Handling (dog) |
1 |
Artes Liberates (astronomy) |
3 |
Philosophiae (metaphysics) |
3 |
Theology |
3 |
York Lore () | 3 | |
Speak Language Greek | 2 | |
Faerie Lore (forests) | 1 |
Art |
Level |
XP |
Crio | 7 |
Intellego |
8 |
Muto |
2 |
Rego |
7 |
Corpus |
1 |
Imaginem |
7 |
Mentem |
8 |
Vim |
4 |
He is the bastard son of a priest in York. His father expected him to join a monastery when old enough. But when a travelling Jerbiton mage chanced to meet Melyon, he offered to take him as an apprentice. Melyon not looking forward to a life as a monk, accepted.
Melyon was taken back to the mage's covenant in Greece where he did his apprentice. About a year into his apprentice, one afternoon Melyon is resting under an apple tree :-) and has a vision. In this vision he say and understood the "secret of the world", that is how everything in the world works and is connected. The "grand unified theory" of magic, religion and natural philosophy. But the vision quickly faded so that in a few days all he was left with was the memory of what it felt like and the conviction that there does exist such knowledge. This has lead to his personal private goal, to recapture that knowledge. A goal that he has kept to himself. He is always interested in talking with knowledgeable people, both magi and mundanes in an effort to find clues to this knowledge.
Once finished his apprenticeship Melyon hears that his mother is very sick and asks to leave for York. His master agrees, and gives him a mission to accomplish there. Melyon is to both find out when he can about the new Norman rulers in England and to make contact with them.
Which in York tending to his mother, Melyon hears of how Richard committed murder and was to be executed. Thinking that Richard would be a good source of information, Melyon arranges his rescue. Not having a better place to hide, Richard accepts the idea of staying with a cousin of Melyon's, the pig farmer living a couple of days journey away. While there Melyon comes to visit occasionally and talk with Richard.
During that winter his mother dies, as did Richard's father. Though Melyon is Anglo Saxon and Richard Norman, this is common experience between them.
Currently Melyon is looking for a covenant to join, either an existing one or a new one. The dog companion that Melyon has is a 2 year old that had been his mother's. The dog is of a mixed breed, short haired and about the size of a labrador.