Library of the 

Schwartzburg am Spree Covenant


Tabula Smaragdina, translated into Latin by Lucca of Bjornaer. Muto, level 10, quality 15 (-25 BP)

Asclepius, chapter 2 of the Corpus Hermeticum, translated into Greek. Mentem, level 5, quality 20 (-25 BP)

Greek Primer (for Latin users) (Greek), level 5, quality 10 (-15 BP)

The Cup or Monad, chapter 4 of the Corpus Hermeticum (Greek?). Magic Theory, level 20, quality 10, (-30 BP)

About the Common Mind, chapter 12 of the Corpus Hermeticum (Greek). Mentem, level 10, quality 20 (-30 BP)

On Thought and Sense, chapter 9 of the Corpus Hermeticum (Greek). Imaginem, level 20, quality 5 (-25 BP)

Magicis Anatomicis (Latin). Corpus, level 15, quality 15 (-30 BP)

An Account of the World and The Elements, Book II of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Summa: Aquam, Aurum, Ignem or Terram (counts as four separate books in one tome, each at Level 5, Quality 10), level 5, quality 10

The Natural History of Terrestrial Animals, Fishes, and Birds, Books VIII, IX, and X of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Summa: Animal, level 15, quality 15

El Objetivo del Sabio [also known as Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm, trans. "The Goal of the Wise"] (Spanish)* Summa: Magic Theory, level 15, quality 15 *[this was a translation of an earlier version in Arabic; the library could have that one if it is more likely to be useful]


Poimandres (Ποιμάνδρης), chapter 1 of the Corpus Hermeticum (Greek). Magic Theory, quality 10 (-10 BP)

Tractatus Eboracenses Philosophiae, quality 5 (-5 BP)

De Pecuniae Mercaturasque Arabum Terras (Latin) Arabian Lore (Trade specialty), quality 8 (-8 BP)

Balticum Auium Cantum (Latin) Baltic Lore (songbirds), quality 10 (-10 BP)

An Account of Countries, Nations, Seas, Towns, Havens, Mountains, Rivers, Distances, and Peoples Who Now Exist or Formerly Existed, Book III of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Tractatus: Italy Lore (geography), quality 15

An Account of Countries, Nations, Seas, Towns, Havens, Mountains, Rivers, Distances, and Peoples Who Now Exist or Formerly Existed, Book IV of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Tractatus: Greece Lore (geography), quality 15

An Account of Countries, Nations, Seas, Towns, Havens, Mountains, Rivers, Distances, and Peoples Who Now Exist or Formerly Existed, Book V of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Tractatus: Syria Lore* (geography), quality 15 *[This refers to the Roman province of Syria, which was basically the entire eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Don't know the proper term in Mythic Europe.]

An Account of Countries, Nations, Seas, Towns, Havens, Mountains, Rivers, Distances, and Peoples Who Now Exist or Formerly Existed, Book VI of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Tractatus: Persia Lore (geography), quality 15

Man, His Birth, His Organization, and the Invention of the Arts , Book VII of The Natural History of Pliny (Latin) Tractatus: Corpus, quality 15

Ars Paulina (Latin) Tractatus: Dominion Lore (angels), quality 15

Ars Almadel (Latin) Tractatus: Dominion Lore (angels), quality 15

Ars Notoria (Latin) Tractatus: Artes Liberales, quality 25

Laboratory Texts (includes "Spell Books")

Longevity Ritual of Harald of Criamon (his notes, i.e. needs study/translation) Level 20 (-4 BP)

Jerbiton's Tome of Healing (-105 BP)

Knowledge, Vis, and the Art of Defense (180 BP)