Boreas, Lord of the East Wind

Major God
Ethical:  Chaos
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains:  Chaos, Magic

Boreas is the major deity of the Chaos pantheon.  He would be the ethical deity choice for Chaotic Neutral Jarandians and a possible ethical deity for Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil Jarandians as well.  Given that Jarandians value law and order, his is the smallest of the four major religions.

Clerics who serve Boreas must take the Chaos Domain as one of their domain choices.

BOREAS has a small following in Jarand. BOREAS wishes to bring an end to the oppressive order of the cosmos. He is directly opposed to Meth.

BOREAS usually appears as a reveler, but he is unpredictable as to what he looks like. He usually appears from a group of storm clouds in the eastern sky.

His holy symbol is a cluster of clouds.