Aduan, Mistress of Good

Major Goddess
Ethical:  Good
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains:  Good, Healing, Protection

Aduan is the major and controlling deity of the Good pantheon.  She would be the ethical deity choice for Neutral Good Jarandians and a possible ethical deity for Lawful and Chaotic Good Jarandians as well.

Clerics who serve Aduan must take the Good Domain as one of their domain choices.  They are also restricted to using only bludgeoning weapons (no piercing or slashing).

ADUAN has reign over the gods and goddesses of life, light, fertility and happiness. She has the second largest body of followers in Jarand. Her followers claim that she brought life from the “Positive Material” dimension to the cosmos.

ADUAN usually appears as a tall, slender woman with fair skin and dark eyes and hair.

Her holy symbol is an open palm of the right hand. It is usually white.