Traveller Book cover



8 Worlds Campaign

The 8 Worlds Campaign has been run by Paul Gazis since about 1980. I played in it from about 1998 to 2005. My game notes and character sheets are here .

My character sheets are built into the logs. They were just 4x6 cards, and we played each played several characters during the campaign.


Patents of Nobility

Marc Miller and Far Future Enterprises issued several patents of nobility to certain customers. I received a number of them

  1. Viscount Zaibon (Spinward Marches 1825) B000544-B
    Viscount Zaibon
  2. Marquis Hazel (Spinward Marches 3236) C645747-5
    Marquis Hazel
  3. Knight of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) A788899-C
    Knight Regina
  4. Knight of Roger (Reft 3231) B424200-B
    Knight Roger

I also have a membership in the Travellers' Aid Society that was issued on Regina (Spinward Marches 1910).
TAS Member