Open Gaming

11 December 2004

Day Game Attendance: Kris; Scott; John Gates; Mark, Banu and Ray Indiveri
Evening Attendance: The day gamers plus Lisa and Mark McDonald
Menu:14th Century Medieval pottage (stew)

Day Games Played:

D&D Miniatures: Kris and Scott played a battle. Kris' Fire! warband handed Scott's warband a defeat. Scott and John played a 300 point battle. Scott's warband, with the Warforged Titan and missing the rule about "Save=10" defeated John's warband. With the "Save=10" I think John would have been victorious.

DBA: Kris and Mark Indiveri played a DBA battle. Mark's Pyrrhic army managed to defeat the anachronistic Normans 4-3.

Evening Games:

Rummy-O, Kill Dr. Lucky, Yahtzee and Pirates of the Spanish Main.