Galactic Destiny

15 September 2007

Attendance:  Chris K., Megan, Kris M., Lisa, Tom G.

Day Game: Galactic Destiny

Kris, Chris, Lisa and Tom played Galactic Destiny by Golden Laurel Entertainment

Instead of "Attack Vector" we settled on "Galactic Destiny" today. It turned out to be a really fun game. There's opportunity for lots of negotiation. General we, as the Republic Senate, passed taxation laws with the exception of one nonaggression pact.  Violating the nonaggression pact allowed one of my senators to pick up a lot of Corruption. Unfortunately the next turn saw a judicial purge which cleaned out most of the corrupt politicians. This also weakened the Ke'ras infestation. Lisa won on turn 5.

We did a few things wrong--we didn't slow up the game looking for the rule. I looked them up later. Here's what I found:

Pretty fun game overall. We should try it again!


Kris made homemade pizza.

Evening Game

Tom and Chris played Duel in the Dark.