London 2008

We were in London for three days so that we could spend two days at the British Museum and take a day to go to the Bovington Tank Museum.


Big Ben
Big Ben
Kris, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliment.
London Eye
London Eye
Our hotel is on the right.
Thames River
Thames River
London Eye & Hotel
London Eye & Hotel
The London Eye. Our hotel, County Hall Marriott, is to the right.
Cleopatra's Needle
Cleopatra's Needle
Cleopatra's Needle by the Thames
Sphinx, Cleopatra's Needle
Sphinx, Cleopatra's Needle
Detail, chest of sphinx. "The great god, Menkhepure, given life."
Cleopatra's Needle
Cleopatra's Needle
Sphinx, Cleopatra's Needle
Sphinx, Cleopatra's Needle
Room, London County Hall
Room, London County Hall
London County Hall Marriott. Plush bedroom.
London Eye
London Eye
View from our room. Rehearsal for New Year's eve - experimenting with colours on the London Eye
London Eye
London Eye
View from our room. Rehearsal for New Year's eve - experimenting with colours on the London Eye