Ars Magica

This is the web page for our Ars Magica campaign set in Northumbria in 1080 A.D.. We currently meet in the San Jose-Mount Hamilton-San Francisco Bay Area in California. We are looking for more magi players. For more information contact 'gaming' at this domain (

The Wiki

A wiki where all the information here is being transferred.

Pictures of the Setting

These links provided by Doug:

Local History

Here are some dates of interest to the Northumbria Covenant.

The Covenant

The covenant for this saga needs to be designed. So far, the players have done a rough design of the covenant which can be found here: The design of the covenant.

The Library

Mundane Books

Hermetic Books

Spell Books

The Magi

The Companions And Grogs


The Grogs

The grogs of Northumbria covenant provide the day-to-day necessities for the Covenant. They may be "redshirts" but they provide a lot of the background color forthe saga.

Chronicles of the Northumbria Covenant

  1. Seven Deadly Sins, Spring 1080
  2. Unbearable, Spring 1080
  3. En-Lightning, Spring 1080
  4. End of Season Activities, Spring 1080
  5. Ghost of a Chance, Summer 1080
  6. End of Season Activities, Summer 1080

House Rules

These are clarifications to the Ars Magica, 4th edition rules that makes our game flow more smoothly. Some of the rules are clarifications taken from Ars Magica, 5th edition. House rules are found here.

Covenant Spell Book

Here (PDF) is a collection of Ars Magica spells that have been created by the players of this saga.

Project Redcap

Project Redcap is an online source of all things Ars Magica.